Outsourced sales force: the “Samsung” case
The leading seller of mobile phones and smartphones , thanks in particular to the popularity of its Samsung Galaxy7 models and also the leading seller of tablets8 in Europe, the Samsung company calls on the CD PUB sales force to monitor its in-store range. on a regular basis.
Catchment area: The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Store coverage : “Saturn” banners and specialty stores (Orange, Post, etc.)
Objectives: develop brand sales
Setting up
⭐ Definition of sizing : visit frequency, visit time, travel.
⭐ Tailor-made recruitment and human resources management : selection of profiles suited to business objectives
⭐ Support in initial training
⭐ Flexible and adapted hourly contracts
⭐ Ensure the presence of the Samsung brand (DN)
⭐ Optimize the visibility of offers
⭐ Implementation and monitoring of marketing operations
⭐ Maintain and / or increase the share of shelf space
⭐ Reporting / monitoring of actions carried out in store
⭐ Strong relationships with stores : strengthening of relationships with store / department managers through increased presence in the field. Indeed, stores expect support from brands for the management and monitoring of in-store ranges. You will thus retain the store / brand and thus strengthen your brand image!
⭐ An optimization of coverage POS
⭐ A visibility “products” optimized and highlighted news

SOME FIGURES (of our actions in store)

95% of our customers who used the outsourcing of their sales force were largely satisfied and some have even opted for a permanent outsourced sales force .

Following the actions of our in-store sales representatives, we observed an average failure rate of 4% for the range of products concerned. (in supermarkets it generally fluctuates around 10%)

Also called “digital distribution” (DN), the brand’s presence rate corresponds to the proportion of points of sale in the universe that own the product / brand.