Field Marketing, Street Marketing… these terms may not be familiar to you and probably need to be clarified. Besides the fact that it is the promotion of a service or a brand in both cases, it is their implementation which is completely different.
You have undoubtedly noticed that at CD PUB we have segmented our activity into two distinct entities: Field Marketing with CD PUB and Street Marketing with URBAN PUB .
We will therefore see in this article what are the differences between these two concepts and who this type of service is aimed at, we will also explain to you why we have separated these two activities at CD PUB and why you should use our services.
What are the differences between Field Marketing and Street Marketing?
Field Marketing or Field Marketing is a set of actions which makes it possible to promote a brand or a product more dynamically at the point of sale, that is to say in contact with the consumer.
It can take several forms: commercial animation, tasting-demonstration, brand activation, outsourced sales force, merchandising… most of the time these are indoor actions (inside a point of sale). These actions commercial are ideal for the launch of a new product/service or during promotional campaigns and should not be limited to the perimeter of the store but also during events such as fairs or exhibitions, with for example ephemeral or pop stores -up blinds.

For Street Marketing, the purpose is the same as for Field Marketing, namely the promotion of a brand, a product or a service. But this time it is the form that changes.
Street Marketing has the potential to transform ordinary tasks into extraordinary experiences . Whether to promote a brand, an event, discover a new product or a new point of sale, Street Marketing makes the process more fun, engaging and ultimately, more effective. The final objective is to optimize the participation rate of your promotional action or your event.
And to provide memorable experiences for visitors/guests of the day, it will be imperative to offer them fun and original entertainment or activities in order to make an impression; the choice of communication media is therefore crucial.
Why did you separate these two activities?
Already, because Field Marketing and Street Marketing do not respond to the same issues and the same needs and therefore do not address the same targets. Indeed, Street Marketing will ultimately reach a broader target, i.e. all companies (SMEs and large accounts) that want to promote a service, a product, an event or even an inauguration; while Field Marketing fits more into a “Major Distribution” environment and will therefore be aimed more at brands listed in stores.
Street Marketing or street marketing is a promotional technique which uses the street, shopping malls, public places as the main field of expression in order to create traffic towards a specific point of sale, physical or digital, while the actions Field Marketing is mainly carried out within a point of sale to highlight a promotion, a new product, or even build consumer loyalty.
Street Marketing is more associated with the field of events, such as the promotion of a brand inauguration, a festival or a trade fair in order to optimize the participation rate, while Field Marketing is generally considered as a direct or indirect point-of-sale sales method. Ex: merchandising, commercial animation, demonstration…
Whether for Field Marketing or Street Marketing, in both cases we provide you with qualified and multilingual staff , which is ultimately the heart of our business. On the other hand, as seen previously we do not reach the same audience depending on the field concerned and therefore for the sake of clarity and due to a strong demand for Street Marketing projects, we have separated these two activities with two distinct websites: www and
Our Expertise at your service!
CD PUB was created in October 2002, starting with Field Marketing and a strong partnership with the Cactus brand over all these years. We might as well tell you that these 22 years of existence have given us solid experience in the field and have allowed CD PUB to be today a reference in Field Marketing in Luxembourg .
Street Marketing at CD PUB, for its part, saw the light of day more than ten years ago… at the time it was limited exclusively to the distribution of flyers, sampling and the provision of carriers for mascots. Ultimately quite ordinary services that can be found in any well-established communications/event agency. But who says “ordinary” does not necessarily mean “ineffective”, however we wanted to go further in the approach and offer precisely “extra……ordinary” Street Marketing operations.
Indeed, today brands, companies, institutions, in short everyone… are looking for Visibility and to maximize their brand image by providing a memorable experience to their customers, prospects or visitors of the day. This is the key to success! Give emotion to the target audience for greater engagement on their part.
It is therefore in this spirit that we have developed our Street Marketing service for several years to offer you more comprehensive and, above all, effective actions . We strive to regularly unearth new media for ever more originality and variety of pleasures…
Over the last two years we have been able to carry out more than fifty physical Street Marketing operations in the Grand Duchy to discover HERE .
If that’s not concrete!
Whether for Field Marketing or Street Marketing, these actions require a minimum of specific equipment, materials, POS, decoration in order to optimize theatrics; determining elements in the success of your actions because they arouse interest and attract the attention of passers-by or visitors of the day. The objective of Street Marketing will be to generate traffic around a stand, an event or even to a point of sale, while the objective of Field Marketing will be the development of a brand’s sales .
But do not panic ! We provide you with all the appropriate equipment and supports for your Field and Street Marketing actions. We are also able to store and produce your POS, your goodies or various communication media.
You therefore have a complete package (staff + supports), a turnkey offer with a single contact for all your Field and Street Marketing actions. Significant comfort…